Canvas Prints

Our canvas prints are printed in Perth, Western Australia. We use only genuine EPSON inks and quality canvas to create this product. Once the chosen image has been printed onto the canvas, it is then dried and sprayed with a UV protector. This ensures that the colours stay true and vibrant. They are then stretched over a handmade timber frame and wired so they are ready to hang.

Our canvas prints also come with a 75 year guarantee to ensure customer satisfaction.

Custom canvas sizes can be arranged and we are more than happy to accommodate your needs.

Framed Prints

There are multiple elements when it comes to our framed prints, which are made in Perth, Western Australia. Again only genuine EPSON inks are used when printing the image onto high quality photo paper. The image is then surrounded by quality matte board that is resistant to yellowing. The depth of the matte board is subject to the size of the frame, but usually varies between 50mm and 90mm.

The frame is then hand cut and constructed, completed with a sheet of quality framing glass. Our standard frame is a classic which frame, with a modern matte finish. We have plenty of frames to choose from if you would prefer something that would better suit your home.

As well as the custom frame option, custom sizes cam also be created.

HD Metal Prints

To create our HD Metal prints a process called dye sublimation is used. It creates durable photo panels that will preserve the printed image on them for generations. Instead of printing your chosen image directly on the surface, which may scratch easily, the image is infused into the coating of the panels, providing permanent protection.

Only the ChromaLuxe brand aluminium sheets for the highest quality possible. Chromaluxe products are lightweight and extremely durable, making transportation and display easy. ChromaLuxe will last a lifetime with resistance to yellowing.

Our HD metal prints have an aluminium sub frame attached to the back to float it from the wall. They delivered are ready to hang.

Again, these prints are made in Australia.

Acrylic Prints

The photo of your choice is mounted to the back of a UV resistant acrylic glass sheet. This creates an airtight bond, allowing you view the image through a crystal-clear glossy surface. This mounting process preserves the image colour and quality whilst also preventing scratching. The finished product creates a near 3-D stunning visual effect. It also gives the image more depth and colour saturation due to the clarity of the acrylic sheet.

A white 2mm Dibond is added to the back of the acrylic to ensure rigidity as well as an aluminium sub frame to float it from the wall.

The way the light penetrates and refracts with acrylic glass is different to normal glass, the colours are more brilliant and the image sharper.

Made in Australia, they are extremely light weight, and come ready to hang.

Our Acrylic Photo Blocks are free-standing items where the image is mounted onto a 30mm clear acrylic block and backed with a thin styrene sheet to protect the back of the picture. Their translucent quality reflects and refracts light in a way that brings the image to life.

The image appears magnified and the colours in your photos are intensified. The Acrylic Blocks are a unique gift and creates a high visual impact in any space.

Printed and made in Australia.

Acrylic Blocks


Our coasters are made of 3mm wood composite on non-slip cork backing. They have rounded corners with classic black edges for a beautiful finish. The coasters have a gloss coating, allowing the colours to stand out, making them the perfect accessory to any good beverage. They add a pop of colour to any room, and are an excellent house warming gift.

Our coaster size is 3.75" x 3.75" (95mm x 95mm).

We also have handmade timber coaster stands available. There are 8 slots in the stands, allowing up to 8 coasters to be uniquely displayed when not in use.

Coaster packs will be available to order online shortly! Alternatively you can fill out a “Contact Us” form with the coasters you would like and if in stock we can arrange a pack for you!